Hoods (#1)


Sculpture series - Lost wax Bronze casting, CAD and hand sculpted, Slate and Soapstone bases. Each sculpture series of 6. Beaux Arts Gallery, London (2018-Current).

  1. Delivery not included, email art@alexanderaugustus.com for discussion

  2. Height - 1m + base

  3. Patination and base variants available, email art@alexanderaugustus.com for discussion

  4. For details on turnaround time please email art@alexanderaugustus.com for confirmation

Hoods is about the shells we inhabit, and how those shells cross from digital to analogue, back to digital and beyond.

I have developed my own process involving 3D scanning, digital sculpting, CNC milling and 3D printing, and then hand sculpting in wax - finally casting in bronze.

We all leave our impressions online through photos, accounts, transactions, and once we die the fossils of our activity will remain. In the same way, I have 3D scanned people, sculpted and stylised them, printed them out and fossilised them.

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