Power : Futurescape Simulator

An Artwork by Alexander Augustus. Writing, animation, direction by Alexander Augustus.

3D Landscape and Game Design - Arnaud Pepin-Donat

POWER : Futurescape Simulator (2022): Supported by Seoul Museum of Art, SeMA, and Purpleblack Digital. Narrator - Edward Rowe. Music - Cornelius Link.

Power from the Blazing Stone - Audiovisual series (2021): Audio and animation work co-created during the 2021 Deep Earth Synergies “Artists-in-Mining" residency. Audio and animation work co-hosted and co-sponsored by Deep Earth Synergies and Cornish Lithium, Cornwall, UK (2021).


This 3D simulator is free to explore online with the link below. It was created following the successful completion of the 2021 audio visual artwork Power From the Blazing Stone. The landscape was constructed in collaboration with Cornish Lithium mine, and with intimate reference to their 3D scans of the local area.

Play now!

version 1.4b


Seoul Museum of Art’s Nanji Gallery site was a former water treatment facility. Located on a former rubbish dump, the ecological rejuvenation of the site made it an apt location to house my solo show, Power : Futurescape Simulator.

Gallery Halls 1 and 2 were converted from industrial silos which are cylindrical. The visitor is greeted with a game controller and allowed to roam the futuristic Cornish landscape, discovering segments of story and listening as they explore. Dry ice bursts into the atmosphere at key moments, immersing you into the landscape.


Power from the Blazing Stone


The Crowns of Timespace